Patients of Dr. Margolin
Your surgery will take place at Kensington Eye Institute. Please use the forms below:
- Cataract Surgery Form – to be completed by your family doctor
- Cataract Post-Operative Instructions (English or Russian)
Patients of Dr. Adam, Dr. Iizuka or Dr. Kisilevsky
Your surgery will take place at St. Joseph’s Hospital. Please use the forms below:
- Consent to Treatment Form
- Pre-Operative History and Physical Exam – to be completed by your family doctor
- Family Physician Instruction Sheet
- Patient Self-Assessment Form – Cataract
- Patient Self-Assessment Form – Strabismus
- Cataract Surgery Day Information Sheet
- Eyelid Surgery (Dr. Adam)
- Pterygium Surgery (Dr. Adam)
- Adult Strabismus Surgery